Unlike most other methods of measuring time, the hourglass concretely represents the present moment as something that exists between the past and the future, and this has made it a enduring symbol of time itself.
At “Licores Bello Blanco,” we are fully aware that the great virtues of our liqueurs are authenticity, meticulous craftsmanship, and respect for the ingredients used. And, in turn, the main secret of our recipe: the care, the “time,” and the patience invested in its production; nothing more, nothing less.
That’s why in our logo, we wanted to symbolize and give the importance it deserves to the fact of respecting the timing of each of the processes carried out in the production of the liqueurs. Since they are crafted in an artisanal manner, practically on an individual basis in each bottle, we believe that the hourglass perfectly represents the philosophy of Licores Bello Blanco.
Unlike most other methods of measuring time, the hourglass concretely represents the present moment as something that exists between the past and the future, and this has made it a enduring symbol of time itself. In other words, it’s a symbol for those who enjoy the moment and appreciate the importance of making the most of their time.
We also wanted to play with the balloon glasses when forming the two inverted receptacles that make up an hourglass since these balloon glasses are often associated with drinks that are savored with patience, slowly, and while enjoying the experience.